Benefits of Forest Honey, Is it Different from Livestock Honey
Honey is rich in benefits. That’s why honey is very good for the body. And there are hundreds of types of honey found in Indonesia, one of which is popularly consumed is the type of forest honey.
The benefits of this forest honey are predicted to be better than ordinary honey because of its richer and natural content.
Immune defense is essential for the human body and wild forest honey is full of essential vitamins and minerals. There are Vitamins C and B6, as well as minerals such as magnesium, phosphorus, sodium, calcium, potassium, zinc and iron in forest honey. It is also high in sucrose and fructose, both of which are excellent sources of these nutrients.
What is forest honey?
Did you know that forest honey is pure, unprocessed honey packaged directly from beehives and honeycombs? It is filtered through a net or cloth to remove pollutants such as dead bees, beeswax, and debris.
Due to the presence of many natural and necessary ingredients, the texture of forest honey becomes thicker. Organic wild forest honey is honey dew collected by bees from wild forest trees.
Forest honey has a sweeter aroma and taste than ordinary honey. It helps reduce the risk of heart and respiratory disease, helps fight acid reflux, ensures good health for hair and skin, and helps fight infectious diseases.
Benefits of forest honey
In principle, the benefits of forest honey are the same as ordinary honey. It’s just that, because of the more concentrated nutritional content, forest honey becomes more nutritious for the body. As quoted by the BeeHively Group, here are some of the benefits that forest honey provides for the body.
1. Heal wounds
Wild forest honey is a good healing remedy because of its amazing antibacterial qualities. It can quickly help heal abrasions, bedsores, boils, and other wounds. It also acts as an antiseptic, prevents the growth of harmful microorganisms and even protects against allergies.
2. Protection against disease
Since forest honey contains high amounts of antioxidants and nutraceuticals, it is very efficient in removing all the radicals from our body. It boosts the immune system and helps avoid critical illnesses like heart disease.
Wild forest honey is often considered better for people with diabetes because it doesn’t raise blood sugar levels as much as refined sugar and can help reduce inflammation, triglyceride levels, and LDL cholesterol.
While honey may be slightly better for diabetics than refined sugar. However, it must be used with caution.
3. Increase endurance
There are various nutrients such as sodium, potassium, carbohydrates, protein, and iron in organic wild honey. Many athletes consume honey as a source of high carbohydrates (glucose, fructose, and monosaccharides) for an immediate energy boost.
One feels strong and energetic with regular consumption of forest honey for a long time. They are also believed to be a source of immunological boost and provide protection against cancer.
Helps treat skin disorders, direct use of raw forest honey on the face, can reduce acne, black spots, and dead skin cells due to its antibacterial and antifungal effects. Wild forest honey functions as an immunization agent and helps relieve skin diseases
4. Treat cough and sore throat
For children, forest honey can cure coughs and sore throats. For children, wild forest honey has been scientifically proven to cure coughs and sore throats.
According to Medical News Today, using honey is a better choice for children over the age of one, as many over-the-counter cough remedies are unhealthy for young children.
5. Weight control
Jungle honey is an excellent sugar substitute, especially if you are trying to maintain your weight. The Glycemic Index (GI) helps determine how quickly blood glucose can rise and the GI of forest honey is well below that of sugar, ranging from 54 to 59. The GI of other forms of sugar is as high as 105.
To get pure honey with the best quality, you can also consider the honey brands on the market. Choose honey that has guaranteed quality and authenticity, such as pure and premium honey from Madurasa. The pure and premium honey produced by Madurasa is guaranteed to be 100% authentic and processed without excessive heating so that it does not reduce the taste, aroma and benefits.
Keep in mind that from the wild flora of the forest, raw forest honey is made from 100 percent natural ingredients. Being a great alternative to refined sugar and honey, it provides a strong taste and aroma, giving you a magical experience. So, consuming wild forest honey is the best way to nourish the body.