About Honey

About Honey

About Honey

Honey is a sweet, viscous food substance made by honey bees sourced from nectar, the sugary juice that collects in the heart of the flowers. There are approximately 320 types of different honey and each has its unique properties such as color, aroma, and taste, which dependent to the type of flower it sourced from. Honey largely contains sugar in the form of monosaccharides fructose and glucose, and also contains amino acid, vitamins, minerals, iron, zinc and antioxidants. Generally, honey can be harvested directly from natural forest bee hives, or from farmed bees.

The history of bees farming in Indonesia started at the mid of 19th century, when Netherlands started to establish their presence in Indonesia. Native Indonesians have already known the benefits of honey and consumed honey in daily lives, even before honey farming techniques were introduced. Back then, honey was traditionally gathered, by damaging and burning the hives. Historical notes from Netherlands’ researchers; D. Horst (1861), Belpe (1879) and Hoekam (1929), showed that honey and bees farming technology knowledge was then transferred in Indonesia.

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Our Honey

Madurasa Murni Botol 160g

Madurasa Murni Botol 160g

160 Gram

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Madurasa Botol Murni

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Madurasa Botol Premium

150 Gram

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