How Much Honey Consumption Allowed on Daily Basis?
The popularity of honey as a golden miracle liquid has been known for a long time. Because it is made from flower nectar which is natural, honey is considered better than refined sugar or other types of sweetener. Since honey has abundant health benefits, many people make it as a part of their regular diet and consume it every day. But have you ever wondered if there is a limit to consuming honey and is it harmful if we consume too much honey also how much honey we can eat in a day?
Excessive Honey Consumption Can Cause Health Problems
Just like other sweeteners, honey also contains sugar and carbohydrates which are also quite high. So when you consume honey excessively, your blood sugar levels tend to increase. This of course will be risky if you are a diabetic who certainly cannot tolerate high sugar levels in the body.
Excessive consumption of honey can lower blood pressure in some people and causing hypotension which also risks health . As with hypertension or high blood pressure, long-term low blood pressure can also affect your heart function.
If you also pay attention to your weight, then controlling the amount of honey consumed is very important. The high sugar, calorie and carbohydrate content in honey can cause weight gain.
When you consume too much honey, you are also at risk of causing tooth decay due to excess sugar. According to the USDA National Nutrient Database, about 82% of honey is made of sugar and that amount of sugar potentially can damage your teeth. Besides, honey also feels sticky when consumed and means it can stay on your teeth, causing damage if not cleaned properly.
So, How Much Honey Can You Eat Every Day?
You already know the side effects of consuming excess honey and therefore it’s a good idea to consume honey in moderation from now on. suffer from any disease or health problem, consult your doctor first before making honey a part of your daily diet.
Madurasa is pure honey that is rich in benefits for the body, but always remember to consume it in moderation and avoid excessive consumption, especially if you have a history of serious disease.