The Difference Between Pure Honey and Fake Honey
Honey is a healthy alternative to natural sweeteners because apart from being natural, honey is rich in minerals, nutrients, and enzymes that are also beneficial for health. If you want to get the maximum benefits of honey, you should definitely consider the purity of the honey before purchasing. Distinguishing real honey and mixed or fake honey is quite a challenge. Currently, many commercial honeys are often mixed with sugar, high fructose corn syrup, and other ingredients known as mixed honey. So, to avoid being deceived, you should be aware and know the difference between real honey and fake honey below!

Pure or real honey is taken directly from the beehive and through minimal processing without any additives. Real honey has a thick texture while fake honey or syrup honey usually has a thinner texture. If applied to the thumb, real honey will stick to the surface of the thumb and feel kind of rough so that the honey does not drip away. It must be different from fake honey which will turn out to have liquid texture when it is rubbed on the thumb.
Taste and Aroma
The taste and aroma of honey are the striking differences between pure and commercial ones. Real honey has a distinctive taste and aroma and even if you are used to consuming real honey, your tongue can tell the original taste of honey. Meanwhile, fake honey may look like pure honey but because it contains a mixture of sugar or syrup as well as synthetic ingredients, the taste will not be the same as pure honey.
Source of Honey
We can recognise real honey just from knowing it’s source, including the farm where the honey is being cultivated . It is important to know the source of the honey because if the farm only has a few bee colonies, it could be possible that the honey that they produced is fake honey. Of course to meet large market demand, the farm must contain a large number of bee colonies. To get real honey with the best quality, you can also consider the brands which you find on the market. Choose guaranteed quality and authentic honey such as pure honey from Madurasa. Pure honey produced by Madurasa is guaranteed to be 100% authentic and it is processed without overheating so it does not reduce the taste, aroma and benefits of the real honey.