Amazing, Here Are Honey Facts You Didn’t Know

Amazing, Here Are Honey Facts You Didn’t Know

Honey is a natural product produced by honeybees using nectar from flowers. It’s estimated that there are about 300 different types of honey. This is due to the variety of different flowers from which honeybees can obtain nectar. Honey can contain up to 200 different substances, the most prominent of which are sugars. It also contains vitamins, minerals, and amino acids.

Throughout history, honey has been used in foods, cosmetics, and medicines. Not only benefits, the following honey facts make anyone even more amazed by the greatness of honey.

1. There are different flavors and colors of honey

The taste, color and aroma of honey vary depending on the type of flower from which the nectar comes. The darkness or lightness of certain honey varies as well. Bees in the southeastern U.S. have even been known to produce honey that’s deep purple in color.

2. Bees have made honey for millions over years

Around 130 million years ago, flowering plants first appeared, and a few million years later, bees began separating from wasps. At some point after that, bees began producing honey, with one fossilized honeycomb dating from around 3 million years ago. Humans, meanwhile, have been harvesting honey for thousands of years. An ancient cave painting was discovered in Valencia, Spain, that depicts a human figure removing honey from a hive, and it could date from as far back as 15,000 years ago.

3. Honey help to manage anxiety

A study in 2014 stated that honey has anxiolytic properties, meaning that it contains compounds (such as an antioxidant, flavonoids called chrysin and gallic acid) that are capable of reducing anxiety. Drinking honey can support the health of the central nervous system, help to improve memory recall and intellect and reduce anxiety.

4. Honey consists of all the substances necessary to sustain life

Honey is the only natural edible product that consists of all the substances necessary to sustain life, including vitamins, enzymes, minerals, and water. It’s also the only natural edible product that contains pinocembrin that improves brain functioning.

5. Crystallized honey is 100% safe to eat

There is no need to refrigerate your honey as it can be stored unopened indefinitely at room temperature in a dry cupboard. This is due to honey’s hygroscopic and low pH nature, two qualities that make it difficult for honey to spoil.

Madurasa, Pure Honey from Forest Honey

Another fun fact is that Madurasa Pure Honey is the first local honey brand in Indonesia to launch an upside down bottle. This bottle allows you to enjoy Madurasa to the very last drop. Plus it is really easy to grip and press, and has an anti-spill valve.

Madurasa is pure honey produced from a combination of randu honey, forest honey, and longan tree honey. You can choose Madurasa Premium which is pure and the best quality honey with dual functions of additional ingredients Royal Jelly and Bee Pollen, processed sterile and packaged in PET bottles.

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