Benefits of Honey Mask for Face
Not only processed into various types of food or consumed directly, honey is also often used as an additional ingredient in a number of skin care products. There are also those who make it as a mask for facial skin care. Not only brightens and moisturizes facial skin, but the various nutrients in honey are known to be effective for treating acne.
Honey contains abundant vitamins, such as vitamin E, vitamin C, and flavonoid antioxidants. Here are some of the benefits of honey masks for facial skin such as Alodokter and Sehatq.com which have been summarized below.
1. Disguise Acne Scars
Honey masks can be useful for reducing acne scars, as stated in a study published in the Central Asian Journal of Global Health. This is because honey has antibacterial, antifungal, antiseptic, and anti-inflammatory properties that are good for the skin. If you use a honey mask regularly, it will make your skin tone more even.
2. Prevents Premature Aging
Not only managing acne, but honey can also be used as a natural ingredient for facial exfoliation which is useful in removing dead skin cells and is able to stimulate the formation of new, healthier skin cells. That way you will avoid the appearance of signs of premature aging, such as wrinkles, wrinkles or fine lines on the face. This is due to the presence of antioxidants that can prevent damage caused by environmental exposure.
3. Brighten and Whiten Facial Skin
Apart from overcoming the problem of premature aging, honey masks are also believed to help whiten and brighten facial skin. Both of these benefits are obtained because of the vitamin E content in honey. And these benefits will be more effective when combined with lemon. It is known that the combination of a honey and lemon mask will balance oil production in the skin, so that it can keep its PH normal.
4. Prevents Skin Damage Due to Free Radicals
Honey masks are known to be able to provide benefits to prevent skin damage caused by exposure to free radicals. This is obtained because honey masks have a fairly high antioxidant content. This is one of the reasons why honey is good enough to be used as a natural face mask.
Those are the 4 benefits of honey masks for the face that you can get when you use them regularly. However, before making up your mind to use it, it’s a good idea to apply a little honey to your skin first, this is to see whether or not there is an allergic reaction on your skin caused by honey.
Besides that, You should also choose pure honey that is packaged in the right way and tightly sealed such as premium honey from Madurasa. Pure or premium honey products from Madurasa are packaged in a hygienic way and in tightly closed containers so you don’t have to worry about the quality of the honey you will consume.