Most Popular Honey Types That Everyone Loves

Most Popular Honey Types That Everyone Loves

Honey is a golden liquid with a sweet taste that has nutrients and is obtained from flower nectar by bees. Honey also has many benefits for the body both for maintaining overall health and for digestion, skin care and others. Currently there are various types of honey in the world and it is estimated that the number exceeds 300 types of honey. Each honey that comes from different flowers has a different color, softness, strength and taste. Here are some types of honey that are widely loved and used as part of a healthy daily diet.

Manuka Honey

Manuka honey is a dark colored honey that comes from New Zealand, this honey is considered the best honey. The popularity of manuka honey is also promoted by many world celebrities because of its great health benefits. Manuka honey contain strong phytochemical compounds that can stimulate hydrogen peroxide production, a substance that beneficial in treating infection and inflammation, This makes Manuka honey very popular as a healer for open wounds and burns. If you want to get real manuka honey, make sure you are careful because this type of honey is also quite expensive compared to other types of honey. Also check the UMF or Unique Manuka Factor label and if the value is more than 16 then there is no doubt about the quality of the honey.

Pure Natural Honey

Pure natural honey is the type of honey that is obtained directly from the hives and not being added by any sweetener or other substances. This type of honey has been widely used to treat lots of health problem in the world of medicine, including Ayurveda, a natural indian healing. If you want good quality honey then you should choose pure natural honey without added sweeteners or other substances.

Organic Honey

In addition to pure natural honey, organic honey has also become in great demand because it is considered higher in quality and healthier. To produce organic honey, the beekeepers must follow very strict rules and pass a series of tests. Types of organic honey must be completely pure and do not contain chemicals used to produce honey including pesticides to spray flowers. Bees that produce honey must really live in a natural habitat and have a maintained food supply. This type of honey is effective in helping to relieve digestive problems and can also be used to treat throat problems.

Raw Honey

Raw honey is the purest form of honey and has not been touched by any process. This honey is often considered as one of the best types of honey and has a myriad of health benefits due to the pollen, propolis and beeswax content in it. This honey has a texture like thick cream and you can still consume it with your favorite food or drink. Pure honey from Madurasa is honey that comes from natural ingredients and has been trusted as one of the honey brands in Indonesia with quality that is maintained.

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