Types of Local Forest Honey that is Effective in Treating Various Diseases
Besides being known as a natural sweetener, forest honey also has many benefits for the body. Starts from digestive problems, treating coughs, wound healing, to maintain the immune system.
In Indonesia, there are various types of forest honey and each region has different characteristics of honey. Moreover, the typical Indonesian forest honey is also rich in benefits. Here are some types of typical Indonesian honey that are rich in benefits:
1. Sumbawa Forest Honey
Daftar Halaman
This forest honey comes from wild bees that suck nectar from flowers in the forests of the Sumbawa area which comes from the nectar of bidara trees and coffee trees. Sumbawa forest honey has a lower water content than other honeys so the texture of Sumbawa forest honey is more concentrated. Sumbawa forest honey is useful to prevent cancer, heart disease, and tumors.
2. Kelulut Forest Honey
Kelulut forest honey comes from forests in the Kalimantan area. Kelulut forest honey has a higher water content. Characteristics of kelulut honey can be seen from its black color, and sweet taste mixed with a little sour. Kelulut forest honey has high levels of antioxidants and lower carbohydrates. This Kelulut Forest Honey is not only useful for cancer prevention, but it is also capable of reducing anti-aging for women.
3. Sumatran Forest Honey
Just like its name, this forest honey comes from the forests in Sumatra. Sumatran forest honey is one of the most popular honeys, because it is the easiest to find and the price is still affordable. Sumatran forest honey is useful to maintain the immune system, stamina, and optimize the recovery process from disease.
4. Timor Forest Honey
This forest honey is produced from the eastern part of Indonesia, specifically East Nusa Tenggara (NTT). In terms of quality, this honey is unquestionable. Timor forest honey is even called the 3rd best quality honey in the world, after Greece and Australia. Honey bees in the Timor forest take honey extracts from various types of flowers, such as sandalwood, eucalyptus, vanilla, tamarind, kesambi, mango, melinjo, and other forest flowers. Besides being good for health, Timor forest honey also functions as a beauty treatment for women.
5. Randu Honey
Randu honey has become one of the types of honey in Indonesia that is so popular. It has a fresh taste and it comes from the bees that live around the Randu or Kapok tree. Randu honey commonly has a soft texture with a clear color of brown and a bit of yellow. The benefits of consuming Randu honey is keeping your immune system, healing from burns, and many more.
6. Longan Honey
Longan is a kind of fruit that has a sweet taste and chewy texture. That makes the bees that live around the longan tree produce a sweet taste of honey that has a similar taste to the fruit. The research found that longan honey is useful to help the healing process of hepatitis, reduce some allergic reactions, and also for cosmetic materials.
7. Rambutan Honey
Rambutan honey is a type of honey in Indonesia that is produced from the bees that live around the Rambutan tree. Rambutan honey is useful to cure stomach ache problems. Rambutan honey is commonly useful for the diet. Other than that, it is also useful to keep your sleep well.
Madurasa, Pure Forest Honey for the whole family
Madurasa Pure Honey is a combination of Randu Honey, Forest Honey, and Longan Honey which provides benefits for maintaining health and stamina. The combination of these three types of honey not only provides various benefits that are good for the health of the body, but also maintains skin moisture, so that skin health is maintained.