Avoid Consuming Honey Excessively, Here’s Why!
Honey is often marketed as a healthier alternative to sugar. Honey consumption is increasing lately since the health awareness increase. Honey can almost be used to sweeten all kinds of dishes. But just like other types of sweeteners, consuming too much honey is also not good for health. Here are some reasons why you need to avoid consuming too much honey.
Causes Weight Gain
Having an ideal body weight is certainly everyone’s desire and consuming too much honey can cause excess weight problems. Although honey can help control blood sugar levels and has a low glycemic index, honey consumption should be limited. Honey that has a sweet taste also has high sugar and calorie content, which is 64 calories per tablespoon. If you are on a weight loss diet, you should also control the intake of honey you consume.
A high-sugar diet can also cause problems related to weight gain, including insulin resistance, depression, dementia and heart disease. It’s also important to choose a high-quality brand of honey and use it instead of unhealthy sweeteners like table sugar and corn syrup.
Causes Digestive Disorder
Consuming honey excessively can also lead to digestive problems such as constipation. Besides, constipation will also get worse if someone consumes too much honey. Honey is rich in fructose which is one of the causes of constipation problems. Our digestive organs actually can not digest too much sugar at once so this can cause other digestive problems such as bloating and diarrhea.
Lowering Blood Pressure
Honey is indeed efficacious and has benefits for those who have high blood pressure or hypertension problems. However, if you consume too much honey, it will have the opposite effect, namely a decrease in blood pressure below normal or hypotension. As dangerous as hypertension, hypotension can also cause disturbances in the body, including affecting the functioning of the heart. Therefore, if you want your blood pressure to stay normal and your heart healthy, you can limit your honey consumption.
The side effects of consuming excessive honey can indeed be experienced by anyone but you don’t need to worry because honey is still beneficial as long as it is consumed in moderate amounts. You can also choose quality pure honey such as Madurasa which is made from 100% pure honey without added sweeteners. So you don’t have to worry about consuming honey with your favorite food or drink.